Red Deer
Britain’s largest mammal.
When fully grown males (stags) weigh between 90 to 190kg and stand at around 1.07 to 1.37m tall at the shoulder.
During rutting (breeding) season red stags compete for females. It was amazing to witness large males roar, bark and clash antlers in an attempt to fight off rivals and attract as many females as possible.
As a precaution, the park has clear signs alerting its users that male deer are more likely to attack dogs at this time of year, as the stags and bucks are pumped full of testosterone and can be highly aggressive.
Deer can feel threatened by dogs, even from a long distance and when the dog is not behaving in a provocative manner. The same for eager photographers. The recommended distance is 50m but I can assure you I kept my safe distance.
Incredible to see these creatures!